The items ablow are the digitised versions o the original texts featured oan the site an each opens in a new windae.
- ‘The Buke of the Howlat’
- ‘Rab and Ringan’
- Stray Leaves
- ‘Popular Rhymes’
- ‘Ane Compendious Booke’
- The Gentle Shepherd
- The Devil in Scotland
- Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk 1888 edition
- Fir Wud
- Ane Godlie Dreame
- The ballads of Anna Gordon Brown
- Deveron Days
- Philotus
- The Tinker’s Road
- Martha Spreull: being chapters in the life of a single wummann
- Glasgow Keellie
- The Psalms frae Hebrew intil Scottis
- The Poetical Wirks of Gavin Douglas
- Belhelvie bi Pete Coutts
- Letters an State Papers o James VI
- Glasgow Looking Glass
- Scots Musical Museum
- The Testament o Cresseid (1914 edition)
- The Declaration of Arbroath in modern Scots
- The Brus by John Barbour
- The Maitland Quarto – Poem 49